2007年8月6日 星期一

Basic Surf Wax Mixture(板臘的自製方法與材料)


(Melt together at about 100F) 60-70% Paraffin Wax(石臘), 15-20% Microcrystalline Wax(微晶臘), 5-10% Petroleum Jelly(凡士林), 5-10% Adhesive (黏著劑)("Vistenex"因該是黏著劑的名字) Small amounts of Scent and dye.

The amount of petroleum jelly(凡士林) and wax needs to be adjusted for the water temperature in your region. If the Temp is warm in your region use more wax and less petroleum. If the water is cold use more petroleum and less wax. The Microcrystalline wax and Vistenex give it the "stickiness". (用於水溫高的蠟.凡士林加少一點!低水溫則反之!)

Watch out it can get real messy. I shoud also say that neither Surfing Waves nor I can be held responsible for anything that happens as a result of your trying this out!!!!


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